
マレーシア、クアラルンプールのThe Museum of Asian Art, University Malayaで開催されたThe Ancestral Path – Jalan Nenek Moyangのオープニングイベントで、原始感覚一座の初海外公演を行いました。


撮影:Chan Lee Chin

The first overseas performance by the Primitive Sense Company as the opening event of the exhibition “The Ancestral Path – Jalan Nenek Moyang” at the Museum of Asian Art, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Performers: Ishizaka Gaishi (kagura drum), Ando Sakiko (piano), Sugihara Nobuyuki (dance), Nakamura Ayaka (dance), Sasaki Mina (dance), Kuroda Masayuki (dance), Sato Hiromu (dance)

Photo by Chan Lee Chin